The best hotels in the world

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Round about the best hotels in the world 

Luxury hotels are investing so much in the culinary field in order to meet most of the requirements of its customers and if you enjoy eating and do not want to give it up in your vacation you can see in the following best hotels in this area

Hotel Quaglia

Can start from the hotel Quaglia in Hamilton Island in Australia, which has a chef Alastair Waddell universally known that he brings all of the hotel components of nutritious fresh high quality and the vast majority of the dishes here prepared from fish and seafood and all these products come from the ocean and attend hotel a day these components

Resort Taj Xotika not least, this hotel in Maldwia of more hotels welfare am not obliged to enter in order to eat the restaurant where you can eat anywhere in the hotel and is connected to you

In North Africa Sanecata Carragher National Hotel which offers its customers a dinner in the heart of nature and the company of the curious animals that are usually approaching you and mostly want to eat

Although his name Vrinjton house in North Carolina that it offers you a unique opportunity in terms of cooking will take very good food and participate in training sessions hosted by Chef Colin Bedford himself, where you can learn how to prepare some of the things which are made by cooking and secrets that are not known to anyone Normal

In Paris vacation in France is more than a place to visit, it's taste is what is trying to make it from a hotel Oumirsah of Paris and chef Aljank Alino will make you see life and eating a different perspective.

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